Bathroom Bliss – A Few Cleaning Tips

Flood 1Flood 2Flood Debris

Bathroom Bliss? This looks more like a Disaster!

New Bathroom

This is our newly remodeled upstairs bathroom. The Christmas flood was good for something at least. Obviously it is not finished just yet since it has no mirror, but that will come later. We love our new bathroom, and to help keep it sparkling clean and in tip-top shape, we have a few easy tricks.

First off, the Products~


Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Scrubbing Bubbles, Chlorox Wipes, Glass Cleaner, Paper Towels, Sponges, Scrub Brush, Latex Gloves, and Plastic Bags.

Then, the Organization~

Bucket-o-ProductsAs you can see, all of the supplies fit into our handy plastic tub, except for the paper towels and the plastic bags (the plastic bags are tucked inside the paper towel roll).

Under the Sink HideawayEverything tucks into the vanity cabinet (under the sink) for convenient storage. This way everything is handy-dandy when you need a more thorough cleaning. We keep a supply box like this in every bathroom. You can see our Non-Adhesive Contact Paper lining the shelf.

Tip Time~

Now, obviously, we all know what to do with the toilet bowl cleaner, but I keep a small toilet brush tucked back behind the toilet so we can swish and swipe every morning…very quick, very easy. This way we don’t have any really hard scrubbing clean-up.

We line the trash can with a plastic bag…recycling, yes! This also helps keep the trash can clean.

Shiny Sink and Countertop

Whenever we use the sink, we dry and polish it up with the towel. And every night before bed, we use the glass cleaner and a paper towel to shine up the sink, faucet, and counter top…easy-peasy.

Sparkling ShowerHere’s the shower / tub… oh, how we L.O.V.E. our new shower! Notice the purple arrow pointing to the squeegy? This makes shower clean up so much easier. When we are finished showering, we simply use the squeegy to wipe down the shower doors, and shower walls. We use a towel to shine up all of the chrome fixtures, and our shower always looks gorgeous.

These are just a few simple tips that really do not add a lot of time to your daily routine, but save a lot when it comes to cleaning your bathroom!

I hope you found these tips useful. Do you have any cleaning tips? I would love to here about them in the comments!

On Another Note~

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25 Responses to Bathroom Bliss – A Few Cleaning Tips

  1. Great tips Lorelai. Keeping everything clean and tidy in our Bed and Breakfast is really important. All cleaning tips are gladly accepted.

  2. Love the new bathroom and that contact paper design is very pretty. You know I never thought to line our trash can with a plastic bag. I always buy the liners. I could have been saving so much money. Great tips. No more liners for me, hello Walmart and Target bags. đŸ™‚

    • I’m glad you found the tips helpful. Personally, I only save the Target bags (and put the others in the recycle bin) because they are thicker and better quality…and I have an endless supply since I am always at target. LOL

  3. A remodeled bathroom, how exciting! Looks really good.
    My special bathroom cleaning tip is toilet paper, yep. I just take a hand full and wipe the corners of the floor, hair and dust stick to it.

  4. Nicole says:

    Great tips!!! I hate cleaning the bathroom I put it off until you almost need a hazmat suite to go in it!

    • Hahaha! I’ve had a few of those experiences when I came home from months in the hospital with my daughter and my now ex hadn’t bothered to clean the bathroom…a spray bottle with pure bleach works wonders on getting mold of the shower walls…even in the grout. BLECH!

  5. I love your commitment to daily rituals! The bathroom looks beautiful!

  6. Love the tips! i need to be more vigilant at cleaning daily. When I have done it was beautiful how lovely my house was. I will try it again. I do like the idea of doing the clean up at night. With my four little ones the bathroom gets messy after each time they go to the bathroom. I would go in there after each time and kill myself wiping and wiping and picking up scraps of toilet paper or whatever outfit they dumped on the floor. If I just do it at night (or before someone comes over) then I won’t obsess nearly as much!

    • Don’t kill yourself, Rochelle…just keep it simple. If it’s easy, you’ll stick with it. I don’t know how old your kids are, or if they’re boys or girls, but when my son was young, I had a container of cheerios for him in the bathroom. He would take a few and throw them in the toilet…target practice! It really helped in the keeping it where it belonged department… LOL

  7. Winnie says:

    I have to tear out my bathroom and redo it as the floor is coming up and the shower doesn’t work etc. Very old and original. Thankfully I have a second one, but I really have been dragging my feet on this. Your bathroom turned out great! I need to put together my own little plastic tub for my supplies. I keep going and getting each product. Great idea! Thanks!

  8. Love these tips. I am going to share on my Blog fb wall. Your bathroom looks fantastic too!

  9. Pingback: Tech tools to make your bathroom more efficient - Winnipeg Real Estate : Winnipeg's Real Estate Blog

  10. Thank you for these! I HATE cleaning our bathrooms, but I’m so anal about them, too. I just spent a good deal of time last night cleaning them. Both of ours will eventually be remodeled, as well…although one had to have a brand new toilet right when we moved in đŸ˜¦

    Kristen from The Road to Domestication

    • Well, that bathroom was nearly 42-years-old and all original, so it was really a Godsend that we had that flood I got to get it re-done. I am in love with it! Everything is brand mew, except for the medicine cabinet, but Luke took that and cleaned it all up and painted it with a Rustoleum paint, and now it looks brand new inside and out too! đŸ™‚

  11. Pingback: 15 Tips & Tricks – Organize Your Home | Life With Lorelai

  12. Great tips there Lorelai! I hate dirty bathroom and to admit, I think I did not really do the right thing about cleaning the bathroom. Thanks for your great post. I Love the tips! I follow your blog to gain more ideas.

    Keep it up and more power đŸ™‚

  13. Allison says:

    Your bathroom looks pristine! I’m bad for always having things on my bathroom counter. It’s one place I can’t seem to get organized. I’m following you back from the Let’s Connect Hop.

  14. Pingback: 15 Tips & Tricks - Organize Your Home | Life With Lorelai

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